
Cambodian Medicines Are Successful at Foreign Markets – Thursday, 11.2.2010

The Mirror, Vol. 14, No. 651

“When the company PharmaProduct Manufacturing (PPM – ‘French medecines produced in Cambodia’) was established in 1996, no one expected the extent of success it would achieve at the Cambodian market and around the world. But 14 years later, this Cambodian pharmaceutical plant is very successful in exporting pharmaceutical products to foreign countries. At present, Cambodian medicines produced by PPM have established their markets in 15 countries around the world, because the quality of Cambodian medicines produced by PPM is recognized.

“Representatives from 13 countries dealing with medicines produced by PPM met in Phnom Penh during the annual convention of PMM, which coincided also with the 50th anniversary of the invention of [the antalgic drug] KINAL. During the meeting with foreign representatives from 13 countries in the evening of 8 February 2010, the director of PPM, the pharmacist Mr. Hai Ly Eang, reported about the success of Cambodian medicines made by PMM at foreign markets, and pointed to the plan to further strengthen foreign markets.

“The foreign importers of PPM products are from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Tchad, Togo, and Vietnam.

“During the occasion to greet those foreign representatives on 8 February 2010 on a ship on the river, the director of PPM, Mr. Hai Ly Eang, said, ‘That we are all on the ship at this time shows the success of PPM, because we are traveling on the same ship, we cooperate and we provide mutual support.’

“He added that representatives of these countries significantly contribute to support PPM to progress at the markets in their countries. The sales of PPM medicines keeps on increasing every year in the 13 countries from where their representatives participated at this occasion in Cambodia.

“The leader of PPM called on and encouraged all foreign distributors to continue to support PPM.

“Besides, PPM announced to expand its markets in the country as well as abroad. The expansion of markets abroad for medicines produced by PPM will be made by spreading a deeper and more intensive understanding of the quality of the PPM pharmaceuticals.

“As for the strengthening of the local market, it will be made by stressing, ‘If we use Khmer medicines, we will create jobs for Khmer citizens, and we will work towards a future where Cambodia is self sufficient in supplying and controlling pharmaceuticals and the health sector.’

“When Cambodian citizens and doctors use more medicines directly produced by Cambodia, it creates not only jobs for Cambodian people who work at pharmaceutical plants, but it also prepares the way for a future, where Cambodia can produce enough for itself and can control its medicines and the health sector.

“Nowadays, PPM exports 50 types of Cambodia produced medicines to foreign countries, among them Gynomax against uterus inflammation, Panol (Paracetamol) for fever, Pyrantox (Pyrantel) for de-worming of children, Caltoux for dry cough, Carbotoux for cough with phlegm, Bibactin, Diaryl for Diarrhea, Septyl for cleaning the mouth, Rhinex for colds, Appetine for appetite, Allergyle for allergy, KINAL for reducing pain, and many other medicines.” Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.18, #5123, 11.2.2010

Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Thursday, 11 February 2010

Deum Ampil, Vol.4, #411, 11.2.2010

  • The Rate of Men Smoking Cigarettes in Cambodia Dropped to 48% in 2009 [and of women to 3.6%]

Kampuchea Thmey, Vol.9, #2174, 11.2.2010

  • Germany Grants US$1,370,000 to the Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC)

Khmer Machas Srok, Vol.4, #603, 11.2.2010

  • The Siamese [Thai] Supreme Court May Expropriate [Thai ousted and fugitive prime minister] Thaksin Shinawatra’s Money and Property Amounting to over US$2 Billion [over corruption]

Koh Santepheap, Vol.43, #6881, 11.2.2010

  • Border Crossings in Kamrieng District Are Points Where Luxury Wood Is Exported to Siam [Thailand] without Any Control [Battambang]

Moneaksekar Khmer, Vol.17, #3809, 11.2.2010

  • The Government Makes Efforts to Grab Land for Yuon [Vietnam] to Plant Rubber Trees to Fulfil a Plan of 100,000 Hectares by 2010, while Khmer People Are Crying because They Have No Land

Phnom Penh Post [Khmer Edition], Vol.1, #109, 11.2.2010

  • The Opposition Party Asked the Government to Send the Anti-Corruption Draft Law to the National Assembly [so that its contents became known]
  • The Construction of a Malaysian Electricity Plant Using Coal Begins Today in Sihanoukville [it will provide 100 megawatt of power, and the construction will be finished in 2012]
  • Twenty More Children Having Cholera Were Sent to the Kunthak Bopha Hospital [the director of this hospital, Dr. Beat Richner, wonders why Khmer citizens have not been informed and alerted about this cholera outbreak – Cambodian authorities just call it ‘diarrhea’ and do diarrhea treatment, which is not useful for cholera]

Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.18, #5123, 11.2.2010

  • Thailand Steps Up Troops along the Border, Especially at the Ta Moan and at the Ta Krabei Temples
  • Google Is Reviewing the Border Map between Cambodia and Thailand Again [in response to a Cambodian demand, claiming that it shows that Cambodia loses some territory to Thailand]
  • Cambodian Medicines Are Successful at Foreign Markets

Sereypheap Thmey, Vol.18, #1874, 11.2.2010

  • The Opposition Parties [the Human Rights and the Sam Rainsy Party] and Civil Society Raised Human Rights Issues with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State [Mr. Scot Marciel]

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