ministry of health

2010 Will Be the Year That Vietnamese Products Flow in Heavily – Up to US$2 Billion – Monday, 12.10.2009

The Mirror, Vol. 13, No. 634 – Monday, 12.10.2009

“Trade between Cambodia and Vietnam will increase dramatically in 2010, if the Cambodian economy recovers again from the global economic crisis.

“According to a report by a Vietnamese radio station on 9 October 2009, commerce between both countries will rise to as much as US$2 billion in 2010. In 2008, commerce between Vietnam and Cambodia surpassed the commerce between Cambodia and Thailand.

“According to the Ministry of Commerce of Vietnam and an industry report, the commerce between both countries declined by 29.2% to only US$858 million within the nine months in 2009 (by September). Vietnamese exports to Cambodia amounted to more than US$726 million. Vietnam is the fourth biggest importer of agricultural products from Cambodia, like rubber and wood and wood products.

“What is also noticeable is that within nine months, more than 40 Vietnamese companies were registered in Cambodia, a higher number than for other countries. In 2008, 52 Vietnamese companies were registered in Cambodia, the third position after China with 82, and Malaysia with 56 companies.

“According to the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC), investment from Vietnam increased up to US$114 million within nine months. This is more than the total amount within the 12 months of 2008. The Bank of Investment and Development of Vietnam in Saigon opened a branch in Cambodia.

“While China is the biggest investor in Cambodia, Vietnam is becoming the biggest supplier of imports into Cambodia. Vietnam takes a bigger market share in Cambodia, while the imports from Thailand to Cambodia are affected by the border disputes between both countries.” Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.17, #5018, 11-12.10.2009

Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Monday, 12 October 2009

Deum Ampil, Vol.3, #308, 11-12.10.2009

  • The Ministry of Health Steps Up Activities to Control A/H1N1 Infections during the Water Festival [where a large number of people will come from the provinces to celebrate the event in Phnom Penh – the Ministry is preparing to broaden awareness about A/H1N1 in the public]
  • South Korea Will Expand Flights to Cambodia [adding flights also from Busan to Siem Reap, after tourist arrivals to Cambodia from South Korea had dropped due to the global financial crisis]

Kampuchea Thmey, Vol.8, #2069, 11-12.10.2009

  • A Southeast Asian Television Network [supported by a foundation for art and culture of Japan] Will Be Inaugurated in December 2009 [in Cambodia]
  • The Phnom Penh Municipal Governor Returned from France with More Than Euro 200,000 of Aid for Poor Communities [from the Association Internationale des Maires Francophones, mainly for the improvement of clean water supply]

Khmer Amatak, Vol.10, #659, 12.10.2009

  • 320 Police Officials of the Department of Public Order Reacted when New Uniforms Had Not Been Offered since Three Years [sending an anonymous letter to Khmer Amatak to make their problems known

Koh Santepheap, Vol.42, #6776, 12.10.2009

  • More Than 1,000 Houses and the Doung International Border Crossing Point in Kamrieng District Are Flooded by Rain [Battambang]
  • An Adult Man Used Money to Lure a Girl for Sexual Relationship until His Wife Found Out [and then he was arrested – Kompong Speu]

Phnom Penh Post, Vol.1, #23, 12.10.2009

  • Seventeen People Died and Ten Are Missing after a Boat [that was overloaded] Sunk in Kratie
  • Nearly 100 Houses Were Burnt by the Oddar Meanchey Authorities [to evict citizens from disputed land, disputed with the Angkor Sugar Company, known to be owned by a Senator from the Cambodian People’s Party, Mr. Ly Yong Phat]
  • [The Minister of Economy and Finance] Mr. Keat Chhon: The Cambodian Economy Unexpectedly Encounters Many Problems
  • The Defense Lawyers of a Former Khmer Rouge Leader [Ieng Sary] Prepare to Sue the Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde for Bias [as he summoned six high ranking government officials who overthrew the Khmer Rouge regime to testify]

Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.17, #5018, 11-12.10.2009

  • 2010 Will Be the Year That Vietnamese Products Flow in Heavily – Up to US$2 Billion
  • The Millennium Development Goals of Cambodia: The Child Mortality Rate Will Remain a Concern [even though there had been declining figures, if health services are not improved]
  • France Helps Train Cambodian Troops [in preparing materials and in the French language] before They Are Sent to Chad and to the Central African Republic

Samleng Yuvachun Khmer, Vol.16, #3499, 11.10.2009

  • The Ministry of Health Warns about a Pandemic of Swine Flu [the Minister of Health, Mr. Mam Bunheng, told private hospitals to refer patients to state hospitals immediately if they are suspected to be infected with the A/H1N1 flu]

Sereypheap Thmey, Vol.17, #1805, 12.10.2009

  • An Opposition Party: The Government Should Take Its Wrongdoings into Account [repeating old Global Witness reports]

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