Anti-Corruption Law

Tuesday, 22.4.2008: Cambodia Promises to Support Universal Action against Fake Medicines

The Mirror, Vol. 12, No. 557

“Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the Royal Government of Cambodia Mr. Sar Kheng confirmed the vow of Cambodia for good cooperation with Interpol, especially for cooperation to fight fake medicines, while he visited the Interpol General Secretariat in Lyon, France, during the previous week.

“Brigadier General Por Pheak, the chief of the Department of International Relations of the Ministry of Interior, said on 21 April 2008 that, on the occasion of staying in France form 12 to 19 April 2008, Deputy Prime Minister Sar Kheng met Interpol Secretary-General Mr. Ronald K. Noble, and he promised that he will fully support the cooperation between Interpol, the World Health Organization [WHO], and the World Customs Organization [WCO] by focusing on the manufacture and distribution of fake medicines all over Southeast Asia for the treatment of life-threatening diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.

“This project is supported by the International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Task Force (IMPACT) with further participation by Interpol, the WHO, and the WCO, in collaboration with national police, customs officers, authorities concerned with public health, and health support organizations. Operations which target mainly the illegal trafficking [of medicines] in Southeast Asia will be created by Interpol and partners soon; this is the reason that the support also of Cambodia is very warmly welcome.

“Deputy Prime Minister Sar Kheng said, ‘Cambodia vows to work with the partners to implement law enforcement not only in Southeast Asia, but also worldwide, to fight against fake medicines, Therefore we are really pleased to support all efforts against those criminal organizations, which benefit from the damage they cause to innocent people.’

“Cambodia also volunteered to host a meeting to support and coordinate the international cooperation against the manufacture and distribution of the fake medicines.

“The Interpol Secretary-General said, ‘I would like to thank the Deputy Prime Minister for his will and vow against fake medicines, which are a national and an international problem.’

“Cambodia has already shown its intention on the national level to protect its citizens from the danger of fake medicines by creating an office to control such crimes, and Cambodia welcomes to work together closely on the international level to fight the manufacture and distribution of fake medicines.

“Brigadier General Por Pheak said that also other issues were discussed during the visit – including the support of Cambodia for the Operation VICO of Interpol towards the identification of a perpetrator who had committed sexual abuse against children, whose name had not been known. Through skillful work and efforts of the Cambodian police, also in cooperation with Cambodian citizens, Christopher Neil, the suspect of sexual abuses against children, has been identified [and arrested in Thailand].

“Interpol Secretary-General Mr. Ronald K. Noble admired the efforts of the Cambodian authorities to protect children form being abused by criminal sex tourists.” Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.16, #4569, 22.4.2008

Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Chakraval, Vol.16, #2771, 22.4.2008

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Chuoy Khmer, Vol.2, #84, 22.4.2008

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Kampuchea Thmey, Vol.7, #1621, 22.4.2008

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Koh Santepheap, Vol.41, #6325, 22.4.2008

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Moneaksekar Khmer, Vol.15, #3440, 22.4.2008

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  • Mr. Sam Rainsy Asked by Yale University [in US] as an Honorary Guest Speaker to Give a Lecture on the Political Situation in Cambodia [21 April 2008]

Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.16, #4569, 22.4.2008

  • Cambodia Promises to Support Global Action against Fake Medicines
  • Samdech Dekchor [Prime Minister Hun Sen] Asks Local Airline Company Which Is Planned to Be Created [in cooperation with the Rajawali Group of Indonesia] to Think of the Quality of Planes and Services
  • Municipal Governor Tells Citizens Not to Attend Demonstration as They Are Asked by Politicians
  • Police Arrest Three Suspects in the Case of a Grenade Attack at Jazz Dancing in Wat Srae Nouy Pagoda [Varin, Siem Reap]
  • Vietnamese Satellite Vinasat-1 Successfully Launched [on 19 April 2008]

Have a look at last week’s editorial: How irrational emotions may be a block to see reality and its challenges
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