Anti-Corruption Law

Friday, 27.6.2008: ILO Continues to Provide Funds for the Period of Four Years to a Civil Society Network Against Child Labor in Cambodia

The Mirror, Vol. 12, No. 566

“Kampot: An official of the International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor of the International Labor Oorganization [ILO-IPEC] said on Tuesday, 24 June 2008, that his organization will continue to provide funds for a period of four more years to a civil society network against child labor in Cambodia.

“Mr. M. P. Joseph, a technical advisor to ILO-IPEC in Cambodia, announced this during an official ceremony of civil society organizations against child labor, meeting in the Phnom Pros Hotel in Kompong Cham. In this ceremony the provincial authorities, other departments and units, non-government organizations, and many monks participated.

“He said, ‘The ILO will try to provide more funds to civil society networks against child labor for a period of four more years, until 2012, to strengthen these networks.’

“He added, ‘Anti-child labor networks have been established in three provinces – Kompong Cham, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville – and by 2010, we want our networks to be established in all the twenty four provinces and towns in Cambodia.’

“Mr. M. P. Joseph continued, ‘Two years ago, we had an anti-child labor network only on the national level, which is not enough, as the Royal Government cannot do it all alone.’

“He mentioned, ‘Therefore we all have to join to eliminate all forms of child labor, especially the serious forms. At the same time, the participation from communities, parents, enterprises, factories, and mass media is necessaary. According to a national plan implemented since three years by the government as well as other authorities, there were great achievements. This shows that child labor will be eliminated by 80% in 2015 and will be totally eliminated in 2016.

“He went on to say that for the process to eliminate child labor in Kompong Cham, more than US$3,000 per year were spent. ILO-IPECH even wants to create anti-child labor networks at district level in Kompong Cham, in order to make it stronger in other circles and other provinces.

“The advisor asserted that his organization plans to offer training to members of networks of civil society organization so that they are able to create useful projects to ask for funds from other organizations; training will be offered in the next two years.” Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.16, #4626, 27.6.2008

Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Friday, 27 June 2008

Kampuchea Thmey, Vol.7, #1678, 27.6.2008

  • On the First Day of the Election Campaign, Political Parties Marched Peacefully [26 June 2008]
  • High Concentration of Arsenic Is Found in 15,802 Wells in Cambodia [according to Mr. Mao Saray, Director of the Department of Rural Water Supply of the Ministry of Rural Development – water can be drunk safely up to 50 microgram Arsenic, but the water of all the wells mentioned above have over 50 microgram per liter]

Khmer Machas Srok, Vol.2, #186, 27.6.2008

  • Families of [the twenty two] Victims of Last Year’s Plane Crash [on 27 June 2007 in Kampot] Have Not Been Compensated by the Cambodian PMT Airline [but the company blamed them for requesting too much money]

Khmer Sthapana, Vol.1, #34, 27.6.2008

  • [Sam Rainsy Party Parliamentarian] Mr. Son Chhay Asked the Ministry of Planning to Give Reasons [for not releasing the index of the rising inflation since May, after there had been a 30% inflation rate released for January 2008 to May 2008]
  • There Are More than 63,000 Mines Victims [in Cambodia – according to the Cambodia program of the Halo Trust]
  • Minority Tribespeople from Severn Villages Protest the Grabbing of Their Land by the Khov Chily Company – when the Provincial Governor [Lay Sokha] Distributed Presents to Them, They Rejected Them and Just Want Their Land Back [Mondolkiri]

Koh Santepheap, Vol.41, #6382, 27.6.2008

  • The Khmer Civilization Foundation Will Bring Four Tonnes of Rice and Other Materials to Assist People Living at the Preah Vihear Temple [on 29 June 2008 – according to a statement of the director of the foundation Mr. Moeung Son on 26 June 2008]
  • Demonstration in Seoul Held Again against Beef Imports from the United States [25-26 June 2008]

Moneaksekar Khmer, Vol.15, #3497, 27.6.2008

  • Siem [Thailand] Should Address Its Internal Issues but Not Affect the Preah Vihear Temple Sovereignty of Cambodia

Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.16, #4626, 27.6.2008

  • ILO Continues to Provide Funds for the Period of Four Years to a Civil Society Network Against Child Labor in Cambodia
  • About 100 Organizations and Education Institutions in Cambodia Sent a Motion to UNESCO [to support the joint statement between Cambodia and Thailand on 17 June 2008 and to express admiration for the work of UNESCO; while Thai opposition party president Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva sent a letter to UNESCO requesting to delay the listing of the Preah Vihear Temple as a World Heritage Site]
  • The King Finished an Official Visit to Vietnam [26 June 2008]
  • Deputy Director of Build Bright University [Mr. Lam Chea]: Most Students Choose Skills That Are Not Their Favorite [depending on the labor market]
  • Lawyer of [the former Thai Prime Minister] Thaksin Jailed [for six months] for Trying to Bribe the Court with Money [trying to leave a box with Baht 2 million in cash – approx US$60,000 – at the court “to distribute”]

Samleng Yuvachun Khmer, Vol.15, #3344, 27.6.2008

  • Ten Political Parties [except for the Cambodian People’s Party] Promise to Adopt an International Standard Anti-Corruption Law if They Win the Election [responding to a questionnaire from the Anti-Corruption League of civil society organizations, in which there are nearly fifty national and international non-government organizations]

Have a look at the last editorial – it is almost frightening to see to which extent there are strong emotions, disregarding related legal documents.

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