Anti-Corruption Law

The Ministry of Interior Rejected Rong Chhun's Request to Disclose the Number of Immigrants – Friday, 11.6.2010

The Mirror, Vol. 14, No. 668

“Phnom Penh: The Ministry of Interior will not respond to a request from Mr. Rong Chhun, a representative of the Cambodian Watchdog Council [he is also the president of the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association, surprisingly not mentioned in this article], for a public information about the number of immigrants in Cambodia.

“The spokesperson of the Ministry of Interior, General Khieu Sopheak, told Deum Ampil by phone on Thursday, 10 June 2010, that the Ministry of Interior does not have the right to respond to Mr. Rong Chhun’s request; the Ministry of Interior is an institution under the administration of the fourth term Royal Government that has the role to serve the citizens.

“A letter signed by Mr. Rong Chhun, a representative of the Cambodian Watchdog Council, to the Ministry of Interior and the Deum Ampil newspaper on Thursday morning says that the Cambodian Watchdog Council noticed that the number of immigrants in Cambodia keeps increasing from day to day, which worries Khmer citizens.

“The letter adds that the Cambodian Watchdog Council asked for information about the number of legal and illegal Vietnamese and Chinese immigrants living in Cambodia. The Ministry of Interior does not broadly publish the number of immigrants and does not have clear procedures to be taken against illegal immigrants living in Cambodia.

“General Khieu Sopheak responded to the letter, saying, ‘The Ministry of Interior is not under the command of that council!’

“He added that the Ministry of Interior is controlled by the fourth Royal Government under Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen as the head of government, which is obliged to serve the citizens. Therefore, the Ministry of Interior does not have the right to answer to the above request, and he asked Mr. Rong Chhun to look at himself and to see how much rights he has.” Deum Ampil, Vol.4, #501, 11.6.2010

Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Friday, 11 June 2010

Deum Ampil, Vol.4, #501, 11.6.2010

  • The Ministry of Interior Rejected Rong Chhun’s Request to Disclose the Number of Immigrants
  • A Woman [the wife of a military general] Was Threatened with a Gun Pointed at Her Head [by two robbers] During the Day, and More Than US$10,000 Was Taken Away [Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh]

Kampuchea Thmey, Vol.9, #2272, 11.6.2010

  • Six Men and Women Were Arrested and 1,964 Drug Tablets Were Confiscated [Banteay Meanchey]
  • Many Ethnic Phnoung People Have Diarrhea, because of Alleged Lack of Sanitation [Mondolkiri]

Khmer Amatak, Vol.11, #778, 11.6.2010

  • The World Bank Announced to Open Investigations over Corruption in the Implementation of Land Registration and the Issuing of Land Titles in Boeng Kak [financially supported by the WB]

Khmer Machas Srok, Vol.4, #679, 11.6.2010

  • The Cambodian Watchdog Council Asked [the Ministry of Interior] to Disclose the Number of Immigrants in Cambodia

Koh Santepheap, Vol.43, #6979, 11.6.2010

  • [More than 100] Citizens from Chamkar Leu and Stung Trong Districts Came to Ask for Intervention from the Governor over a Land Dispute [with two companies – Kompong Cham]

Phnom Penh Post [Khmer Edition], Vol.1, #191, 10.6.2010

  • The Ministry of Information Asked Advertising Companies to Apply for Licenses or They Will Be Fined
  • The Appeals Court Dismissed [Russia’s] Request to Extradite a Russian Man [Alexander Trofimov, a tycoon] Who Had Sex with Cambodian Children [according to a confidential memo of the court; he is still involved with three other court cases in Canmbodia]

Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.18, #5221, 11.6.2010

  • The Son of the Deputy Head of the Stung Treng Police Office Drove a Car Loaded with Wood [as his car was chased by the authorities, he finally drove it] into a Police Station [and ran away over the rice fields behind the police station – Stung Treng]
  • China Will Open a Branch of a Bank [the Bank of China] in Cambodia Soon [according to the Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia]

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