Wednesday, 10.9.2008: The King Summons the 123 Parliamentarians for a Session on 24 September

The Mirror, Vol. 12, No. 577

“Phnom Penh: The King, Preah Boromaneath Norodom Sihamoni, summoned the 123 parliamentarians for the first session of the fourth term National Assembly on 24 September 2008.

“Mr. Yem Bonharith, the secretary general of the Human Rights Party, said in the evening of 9 September 2008 that the Human Rights Party had received three letters from the King, summoning the members of the National Assembly to attend the session on the coming 24 September 2008. He added that regarding the first session of the fourth term National Assembly, the Human Rights Party follows the order of the King. However, he said that the Human Rights Party is waiting for the King’s response regarding a letter of the party dated 4 September 2008 about a separate swearing-in ceremony and about irregularities of the elections. The Human Rights Party still maintains the position not to accept the irregularities during the elections. The party president, Mr. Kem Sokha, is in Europe to present evidence related to the irregularities during the elections.

“Mr. Cheam Yeap, a member of the Cambodian People’s Party, said that based on Article 76 of the Constitution, the King will summon the 123 members of the National Assembly for the first session of the fourth term National Assembly. If parliamentarians of the Sam Rainsy Party and of the Human Rights Party boycott to attend the first session of the fourth term National Assembly, it is their own responsibility. He continued that having received invitation letters from the King, the 90 members of the Cambodian People’s Party will attend this session.

“According to the Constitution, after the King has opened the session, the fourth term National Assembly will proceed under the presidency of the eldest parliamentarian, Mr. Chea Soth, 85, assisted by the five youngest members as secretaries of the National Assembly.

“Ms. Mu Sochua, the Sam Rainsy Party secretary general, affirmed the position of the Sam Rainsy Party in the evening of 9 September 2008, demanding a separate swearing-in ceremony, separate from the Cambodian People’s Party and from other parities that had recognized the election results. She went on to say that if the Sam Rainsy Party parliamentarians could not receive a separate swearing-in, they will not attend the first session of the National Assembly on 24 September 2008. She added that a separate swearing-in ceremony does not need to be a big event. A small one is also acceptable, and it can be celebrated anywhere. If the King would not be able to attend it, he can also assign a representative.

“The Sam Rainsy Party had written to the King requesting a swearing-in on 25 September 2008 in order to have it on a different day from the Cambodian People’s Party parliamentarians. Ms. Mu Sochua continued to say that the Sam Rainsy Party is waiting for the King’s response. Concerning the invitation letters by the King, she said, ‘We will write a letter in response to the King to affirm that our position remains unchanged.’

“The Sam Rainsy Party parliamentarians do not want to swear together with the Cambodian People’s Party parliamentarians, accusing the Cambodian Peoples Party of stealing ballots during the elections on 27 July 2008. Nevertheless, every complaint by the Sam Rainsy Party and by the Human Rights Party had been rejected by the Constitutional Council, and the time for protests has been closed.” Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.16, #4690, 10.9.2008


The area where our colleague working on the headlines lives is suffereing from severe flooding – we are in a period of the Rainy Season with heavy rains in the Phom Penh region, while, for example, some regions in Kompong Speu and Takeo suffer from a lack of water, so that in some areas the rice seeds could not yet be planted.

We will supply today’s headlines a soon as our colleague is again free to work on them.

Norbert Klein


Headlines posted only at 23:15 Phnom Penh time on Thursday.

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Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.16, #4690, 10.9.2008

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