Wednesday, 6.8.2008: Twenty Eight National and International Organizations Join to Find Strategies to Organize a Long-Term Education Campaign

The Mirror, Vol. 12, No. 572

“Phnom Penh: Twenty eight national and international organizations in Cambodia met on Tuesday [5 August 2008] at the Imperial Hotel, all from the field of education, coming together to find strategies to create a long-term campaign to strengthen education for the period from 2009 to 2011, to promote the right to education for everyone. During this discussion, target teams were formed to go directly to apply what they have learned at the targeted basis with the relevant authorities and with citizens at the basis, so that they understand the problems related to the right to education.

“The Coordinator of the Global Campaign for Education, Mr. Un Bunphoeun, who had taken the initiative to organize this workshop on strategies for an education campaign for 2009 to 2011, said that this workshop, with participation by twenty eight organizations, aims to discuss the creation of a long-term educational strategic plan. It is a strategic plan to help children in all provinces and cities to receive such a plan on the right to education for all. Mr. Un Bunphoeun said that this educational strategic plan has to be created with the participation of non-government organizations, relevant ministries and institutions, and target groups at the basis. He explained that after finishing this whole day of discussions at the workshop, working teams will be assigned to the provinces and cities to engage in teaching at communities, schools, or other places, so that the plans have to be created with the participation of citizens, students, teachers, and local authorities at the basis, so that they understand the value of education in advance, and also the problems related to the educational systems, such as registration at schools, quality of education, and the right to education – so that all understand and participate.

“Dr. Sam Sidet, a representative of UNESCO, participating in this workshop, said that he hopes, after finishing this whole day discussion, that working teams will set real goals to process the 2009 to 2011 educational activities successfully, and to spread among the citizens in general the understanding of the right to education for their children.

“Ms. Janneke, a Dutch advisor to the Global Campaign for Education, said that this workshop is an effort to contribute to the educational strategies to organize an effective campaign for education for all in Cambodia, for the coming period of three yeas.

“Mr. Rong Chhun, the president of the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association, said yesterday, ‘I welcome organizations that discuss to find strategies for this there-year period of education – this is positive, and it responds to the policies of international educational organizations as well as to the plans of the Ministry of Education up to 2015, which aims that all Khmer children can receive education by that year; at least, they can finish basic education including Grade 9.’ He went on to say, ‘For the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association this is very important, in order that all Khmer children have access to education, that the government has to convince parents, students, and especially the local authorities, to participate actively, so that they understand the value of education; and specifically, the government should promote the teachers’ livelihood by providing them with appropriate salaries.’” Khmer Sthapana, Vol.1, #66, 6.8.2008

Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Deum Ampil, Vol.2, #80, 6-12.8.2008

  • Mr. Keo Puth Rasmey Will Resign as President of Funcinpec [according to information from Funcinpec]

Kampuchea Thmey, Vol.7, #1712, 6.8.2008

  • Cambodia and Siam [Thailand] Agree to Negotiate Again on 18 August 2008 [in Thailand – according to information from the cabinet of the Royal Government of Cambodia]

Khmer Sthapana, Vol.1, #66, 6.8.2008

  • Twenty Eight National and International Organizations Join to Find Strategies to Organize a Long-Term Education Campaign

Koh Santepheap, Vol.4116, #6416, 6.8.2008

  • After Negotiations at Ou Smach [Oddar Meanchey, on 5 August 2008] Cambodian Troops Surround Siamese [Thai] Troops around the Ta Moan Temple [the Thai side agreed later to withdraw from the Ta Moan Thom Temple] while the Situation at the Preah Vihear Temple Region Remains as Usual
  • The National Election Committee Denied the Claim of the Sam Rainsy Party that There Were Up to One Million People Who Could Not Vote
  • The Government Appoints a Korean [Mr. Kim Yong Duk] to Be Advisor for Disaster Control [4 August 2008]
  • The Price of Fuel on the International Markets Continues to Drop [US$121 per barrel] and Will Decline Two More Weeks, but the Price of Fuel in Cambodia Does Not Decline Even One Cent
  • Minister of Information Went to Check Construction of National Radio Station [Sihanoukville]

Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.16, #4660, 6.8.2008

  • The Thai Cabinet Decided to Withdraw Some Troops [from the Preah Vihear Temple Region, on 5 August 2008]
    Prime Minister Pledges to Provide Five Important Positions to Funcinpec [but he did not mention which ones]
  • The Phnom Penh Land Management Office [administered by Mr. Sieng Soyany, director of the Land Management Office of the Department of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction of Phnom Penh] Is Criticized Regarding Some Retired Officials [whom Mr. Sieng Soyany allows to continue to work]
  • Vietnam Arrested Four People Who Trafficked Weapons from Cambodia [5 August 2008]

Samleng Yuvachun Khmer, Vol.15, #3377, 6.8.2008

  • The Supreme Army Commander [Boonsang Niempradit] of the Invading Siamese Troops Asked Cambodia to Remove Troops from the Ta Moan Temple [4 August 2008]
  • Does the Incursion by Siam [Thailand] into Khmer Border Regions Result from the White Zones That Hun Sen Signed with Siam [in 2000]?

Click here to have a look at the last editorial – where we try to provide our readers with important information which all publications in Cambodia – as far as we can see – are not providing; but the international community knows more – we wonder how long the Cambodian public can be held uninformed.

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